- 最重要的是创新性,在应用上或者方法上带来新的东西
- 其次是优异的性能,新方法的性能在某些方面是取得重要突破的
- 最后是条理清晰,有逻辑的表达、关键信息突出、图表并茂、首尾呼应
- 研究的目标是什么
- 最重要的发现是什么
- 创新点是什么,与之前的论文有什么不同(先说服自己,再说服别人)
选择什么样的期刊 / 会议进行投稿
- 选择影响因子(IF)高的期刊永远是最优的选择,对学术道路影响比较大
- 选择和自己工作研究方向贴合的期刊 / 会议、与自己工作研究角度贴合的期刊 / 会议(问导师)
- 确定了期刊 / 会议后要研究这个期刊 / 会议上面发表的论文的写作风格是怎么样的(先写什么,后写什么,要写什么)
影响因子(IF)是衡量某一特定年份期刊上的平均文章被引用的频率。它通过计算期刊文章被引用的次数来衡量期刊的重要性或排名。 [4]
- type of paper:原创的研究、系统的视角、积极的论文
- subject(主题):当前热门的主题、原创的或革新的主题
- aim(目的导向):motivation一定要强,就是要解决什么问题
- style:有据可查、方法明确、合乎道德、可复现、无偏见
- presentation:研究主题不要过于宽泛,又不失一般化
- 阅读所选期刊中引用次数最多的论文,把握写作风格
- 搜集这篇工作可能在related work章节写到的references
- 对于这些参考文献,写自己的文献综述
- 与本文方法的差异,将结果与我们的结果进行比较
- 记下各个方法的优缺点
- 依葫芦画瓢开始模仿他的每个章节
- 如何组织每个章节的要点
- 段落之间如何连接
- 实验结果与讨论、结论如何书写
- Abstract(粗糙版本的草稿):从摘要开始写,用来明确自己论文的关键部分是什么
- Methods:最容易书写的部分,因为脑子里很清晰
- Results & Discussion:最难的部分,解释方法的结果,并于其他结果进行比较
- Introduction:最重要的部分,需要突出研究的重要性
- Conclusion:与abstract不同,可能会用过去时书写
- Abstract:完善abstract
- 所有审稿人都喜欢阅读简单的语言,没有复杂的语法,没有生僻的单词
- 用词一定要准确、论文结构一定要清晰,且易于阅读
- 用不是这个领域的专业人士能够理解的句子来写作,写的有趣一点
- 英语土著审稿人会看重:论文的思路流程是什么,阅读的难易程度
- 非英语土著审稿人似乎比较关注语法和词汇错误
写作中的词序Word Order
一个句子 = 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 间接宾语
- Last week the researchers sent their manuscript to the journal for the second time((≧∇≦)ノ)
- The researcher last week sent for the second time to the journal their manuscript.((〝▼皿▼))
- Therefore, the rescaled parameters seem to be appropriate for characterizing the properties, from a statistical point of view.
- 直译结果:因此,重新调整的参数似乎适合于表征属性,从统计的角度来看。
- 从中文看都是变扭的
- from statistical view,the rescaled parameters seem to be appropriate for characterizing the properties.
Among the factors that influence the choice of parameters are time and cost.
time and cost influence the choice of parameters
- It is possible that this is due to the poor performance.
- this may due to the poor performance
- People with a high rate of intelligence, and unusual ability to resolve problems, a passion for computers, along with good communication skills are generally employed by such companies.
- such companies generally employe people who with a high rate of intelligence, and unusual ability to resolve problems, a passion for computers, along with good communication skills
The result, after the calculation has been made, can be used to determine Y
the result can be used to determine Y after the calculation has been made
不要将动词与其直接宾语分开 (宾语)
- We can observe from these values a high cost
- We can observe a high cost from these values.
找到句子开头附近的否定 (否定)
否定词:no, do not, does not, none, nothing
- The number of times this happens when the user is online is generally very few.
- this rarely happen when the user is online
在主要动词之前 但助动词和情态动词之后 放置否定
- 单词 not 应该放在与其关联的主要动词之前。F1-Score seems to not be affected by the Injection ratio.
- 当动词 have 和 be 用作主要动词时,not 位于动词之后。Their findings are not significant.
- Not 位于情态动词和助动词之后。Such parameters should not be treated with attention
In order to win the game, you need to make the most training. To do this, you need to develop …
副词:Only, also, usually, always, never
放在主要动词之前,The doctors are also confused about this result.
当有两个辅助词时,将它们定位在第二个辅助词之前,I would never have done it if I had known the reason.
- section的开头应该有一个小段,主要作为mini summary,例如这样的句子
- This section attempts to answer the question …
- Our aim is to provide a simple alternative to the complex theoretical models that attempt to explain …
- In this section, we present a simplified model, which we believe is…
- This section reviews the process of …. This process provides the backbone to the system at our research.
- 下面A、B、C的小点的结构指引(例如这样的句子:The next article is organized as follows, A is used to introduce… , B is used to introduce…)
不过具体怎么写还是看所选会议 / 期刊的整体写作风格
- Not Good:An analysis of the number of words used in English vs. Italian, showed that the average sentence in English was 25 words long, whereas in Italian it was 32 words long (See Table 1). This indicates that when an Italian document is translated into English, there is much effort on removing redundancy.”
- Good:Through our analysis when an Italian document is translated into English, there is much effort on removing redundancy.
- Not Good:Particularly interesting for researchers in physics is the new feature, named X, for calculating velocity.
- Good: X is a new feature for calculating velocity. It is particularly interesting for physicists.
- Considering that the rapid increase in the volume of data generated from connected devices in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), opens up new possibilities for enhancing the quality of service for the emerging applications through data sharing,
- and, security and privacy concerns (e.g, data leakage) are major obstacles for data providers to share their data in wireless networks because the leakage of private data can lead to serious issues beyond financial loss for the providers,
- we thus propose a blockchain-empowered secure data-sharing architecture for distributed multiple parties in this article.
- The rapid increase in the volume of data generated from connected devices in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), opens up new possibilities for enhancing the quality of service for the emerging applications through data sharing
- However, security and privacy concerns (e.g, data leakage) are major obstacles for data providers to share their data in wireless networks.
- The leakage of private data can lead to serious issues beyond financial loss for the providers.
- In this article, we thus propose a blockchain-empowered secure data sharing architecture for distributed multiple parties.
使用一致的numbering system列出phases, states, parts
numbering system:firstly、secondly、thirdly、finally
To make the situation worse, the network operators face another threat that malicious attackers may falsify the network-view in the corrupted domain controllers, aiming to destroy the overall consensus of network view. Through a review, we find that the protection mechanism that prevents the network consensus from being falsified is missing from the existing research community. Therefore, we intend to implement a consensus protection system that enables tamper-proof mechanism for distributed networks. In summary, our study leads to the following major contributions. We study the block chain based data-synchronization problem to address the malicious falsification attack. We then implement a tamper-proof network-view protection prototype towards consensus for distributed networks,based on Ethereum platform. The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the related work. Section 3 introduces the design of our proposed network-view protection system, and the methodology of our implementation. Evaluation results of our prototype is shown in Section 4. Finally, section 5 concludes this work and reveals future work.
(标示词汇)可以 指明 从何处开始新 sent. 或新段落
Typical phrases | Function |
In order to do this / To this end / With this in mind | 陈述某事的目的 |
Then / Following this / Afterwards | 指示时间关系 |
For example, / An example of this is / In fact, / Unlike / Nevertheless, | 举个例子,表明支持 / 否定的证据 |
In addition / Another way to do / An additional feature of | 补充额外信息 |
On the other hand / In contrast | 限定您刚才所说的内容:即表示异常或参数的两面 |
Due to / Since / Although | 给出某事的理由 |
Thus / Therefore / Consequently / Because of this | 表示后果 |
This means that / This highlights that / These considerations imply that / In conclusion / In sum | 宣布并就您在前几句中所说的内容给出一个简短的结论。 |
Firstly, secondly, finally | 在列表中引入元素 |
Figure 1 shows / As can be seen in Table 2 | 谈论数字、表格等 |
As far as X is concerned, / In relation to X / In the case of / With regard to / With respect to (w.r.t) / As noted earlier | 引入新元素;回想一下前面提到的事情。 |
It is worth noting that / Interestingly | 添加一些额外的信息或发表一些评论,不一定是直接针对您之前提到的事情,而是作为旁白(旁白)。 |
- 你开始谈论你所在领域研究的逻辑构建的不同阶段
- 你开始谈论另一位作者的工作。
在 Methods 部分中,如果这些组件或步骤位于单独的段落中,它可以帮助读者识别各种组件或理解各种步骤。
当你开始谈论你的研究和你的主要发现时,开始一个新的段落(This study shows that … / Our findings highlight … / These results indicate that …)
- 如果你的写作清晰,无需在两个段落之间写总结句。
- 一些作者通过谈论下一节的覆盖范围来结束本节,此类信息通常是多余的。
- 长句子增大了读者的理解难度
- 写短句子会使得合著者更容易帮助自己修改文本
- 短句通常需要重复关键词,从而强调重点(在突出结果部分或讨论部分中的重要观点时)
- 不推荐一直使用长句子不代表全文都要短句子。最重要的还是语义舒适,让读者读着流畅
We investigated the meaning of life. We used four different methodologies. Each methodology gave contradictory results. The results confirmed previous research indicating that we understand absolutely nothing. Future research will investigate something more simple: the cerebral life of a PhD student
We investigated the meaning of life using four different methodologies, and each methodology gave contradictory results.
The results confirmed previous research indicating we understand absolutely nothing. Future research will investigate something more simple: the cerebral life of a PhD student
关键规则:科技论文一般都会涵盖两个方面:why and what。即解释做了什么与为什么这样做。
- 如果why可以写的很短,那就用一些固定搭配引导
- 固定搭配:In order to, with the purpose of, with the aim to, in an attempt to
- 例子:In order to test our hypothesis, we randomly sample from a selection of documents.
- 如果why的句子长度超过15个单词时,先讲what 后讲why是比较好的做法
- Not Good:In order to establish a relationship between document length and level of bureaucracy (官僚作风) and to confirm whether documents, such as reports regarding legislative (立法的) and administrative (行政的) issues, vary substantially in length from one language to another, we conducted an analysis of A, B and C.
- Good:We conducted an analysis of A, B and C for two reason. One is …. . Another is …
将 and 、 as well as 、 in addition 、furthermore 、moreover 替换成句号
关键规则:一般用 and 和 as well as 连接起来的东西是并列的,如果这些东西是句子,那么就会显的比较冗长。
- 原始版本:The treatments are very often expensive and technically difficult, moreover their effectiveness very much depends on…
- 修订版:The treatments are very often expensive and technically difficult. Moreover, their effectiveness very much depends on…
连接词:Whereas, on the other hand, although, however, because, as, since
- 原始版本:The levels of cadmium in Site C were comparable to the levels found in Sites A and B in the previous years, although / however this was not the case for the levels found in the south-east part of Site C
- 修订版本:The levels of cadmium in Site C were comparable to the levels found in Sites A and B in the previous years. However, this was not the case for the levels found in the south-east part of Site C.
避免使用which, -ing这种结构来补充信息,导致句子很长
关键规则:人脑在阅读时,由于习惯会按照句号分割来理解句子。当用which, -ing来补充信息时,读者大脑就由于习惯被迫一直读到句号才停止。这就带来了负担。解决方法就是直接在which, -ing出现的地方砍成两句话
原始版本:As can be seen from Table 1, the concentrations were far higher than expected especially in the first set of samples, indicating that one cause of pollution was …
修订版本:As can be seen from Table 1, the concentrations were far higher than expected especially in the first set of samples. xxxx
关键规则:用逗号持续添加句子,a sign of lazy writing, seems as 思路不清晰 解决方案:重新梳理逻辑,多用一些单词也可以,甚至分成几段表述
原始版本:Our system is based on four components: it has many data files (the weather, people, places, etc.); it has procedures which it tries to use to combine these files by working out how to respond to certain types or patterns of questions (this entails the user knowing what types of questions it can answer); it has a form to understand the questions posed in a natural language (so the user may need to know English) which it then translates into one of the types of questions it knows how to answer; finally, it has a very powerful display module, which it uses to show the answers, using graphs, maps, histograms etc.
修订版本:Our system is based on four components. Data file: … . Procedures: … . Form: … . Display module: …
- It was small [in size], round [in shape] yellow [in color] and heavy [in weight].
- This was covered in the Materials and Methods [section]
关键规则:把那些没有意义的 / 重复的单词都删掉
- This point is critical and fundamental for our research purposes.
关键规则:像 task , activity这样的词,对于阐释具体信息没有帮助的,为什么不直接替换成具体的内容呢
- 原版本:The process of registration can take up to ten minutes.
- 新版本:registration can take up to ten minutes.
避免使用 泛型 + 特定 这种结构
- Meetings will be held twice a year in June and December.(直接删了 twice a year)
- We investigated two countries (i.e., Italy and France), both of which show their different characteristics(直接删了two countries)
Note that可以代表下面所有的固定搭配:
- It must be emphasized / stressed / noted / remarked / underlined
- It is interesting to observe that
- It is worthwhile bearing in mind / noting / mentioning that…
- It is important to recall that …
- As the reader will no doubt be aware …
- We have to point out that …
since 可以替换下面所有的固定搭配:
- Considering that, given that, due to the fact that,
- on the basis of the fact that
- in view of the fact that,
- in consequence of that fact that
- 原始版本:From the previous list of properties, it emerges that cooperation with devices is a complex task.
- 修订版本: Cooperation with devices is a complex task from the previous list of properties.
关键规则: 形容词 + 通用名称 => 副词
- A number of times = > frequently
- from time to time => occasionally
- In a rapid manner => rapidly
in an efficient way => efficiently
- 原始版本:To do this, the application searches for solutions in an automatic way
- 修订版本:To do this, the application searches for solutions automaticly
- 使用形容词时,想一下是否真的有必要使用它,如A real challenge, a novel solution, an interesting result, an appropriate method
- 不要使用成对的形容词或名词,This is [absolutely] necessary as the reader could interpret the sentence in a [completely] different way.
关键规则:如果这个章节的大标题是result,那么下面段落就不要出现The results of ,Let us analyze the results的字眼,完全是重复
it is + adj + to do something 不要使用
- 使用情态动词替换 it is :It is mandatory to use X => X is must used
- 使用副词替换 it is : It is surprising that no research has been carried out in this area before. => Surprisingly , no research has been carried out in this area before
- Symbols will be defined in the text at their first occurrence => Symbols will be defined in the text when first occure.
- X was used to calculate Y
使用单个动词,而不是使用一个动词 + 名词
X showed a better performance than Y => X perform better than Y
原格式 | 替换式 |
achieve an improvement / show an improvement | improve |
carry out a test | test |
conduct a survey | survey |
effect a reduction | reduce |
execute a search | search |
exert an influence | influence |
exhibit a performance | perform |
experience a change / implement a change | change |
give an explanation | explain |
make a prediction | predict |
obtain an increase | increase |
reach a conclusion | conclude |
关键规则:减少we, our 这样的字眼出现,作者不要在自己的文章中评论
- We find it interesting to have x = y => Interestingly, x = y.
- It is now time to turn our attention, in the rest of the paper, to the question of … => in the rest of the paper, to the question of …
- From an analysis of Table 3, it emerges that… => Table 3 show ….
- We can observe / As can be seen from Table 3 that.. => Table 3 show …
使用不定式(to do)可以减少表达式长度
In order to maximize channel utilization => to maximize channel utilization
Professors like annoying students 这句话可以等价下面两句话
- Professors like to annoy their students.
- Professors like students who are annoying.
- I put the book in the car and then I left it there all day. 这句话中it 可以指代book 也可以指代 car
- 解决方法就是不要使用代词,除非可以明确指出它指代谁
- I put the book in the car and then I left the book there all day.
不要有 Monologophobia (害怕在单个句子或段落中多次使用同一个词),使用多样的同义词只会带来理解上的烦恼。
Not Good:Companies have to pay many taxes. In fact, occasionally enterprises fail because of over-taxation. Some firms resolve this problem by moving their headquarters to countries where the tax rate is lower.
Good:Some companies fail beacuse of over-taxation, so they resolve this problem by moving their headquarters to countries where the tax rate is lower.
the homophily among humans introduces additional features in the way people in a mobile social network move and behave.
这句话中的 homophily 翻译为 同质性,这词对于搞计算机的不熟,属于社会学范畴,所以用解释代替这种专业词。
The tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar people introduces additional features in the way people in a mobile social network move and behave.
- happened in a number of cases => this happened in 11 cases. 能将清楚具体比例的,就不要模糊化
- Usually the raw datasets include too many noises => 用了usually,那其他情况呢,这个usually具体指代什么情况呢?
- 原始版本:This kind of investigation, i.e., the analysis of the network-traffic logs, also aims to find the source of attacks which fails the servers.
- 修订版本:the analysis of the network-traffic logs aims to find the source of attacks which fails the servers.
- 原始版本:The languages were grouped as follows: Spanish, Italian and Romanian; German and Dutch; and Swedish and Norwegian.
- 修订版本:The languages were allocated to three groups: (1) Spanish, Italian and Romanian; (2) German and Dutch; and (3) Swedish and Norwegian.
- 定语从句、状语从句中的which, that, who,如要使用,那么就必须保证和指代的名词连在一起。
- Correct the sentences below which contain grammatical mistakes. => Correct the sentences below that contain grammatical mistakes.
明确 Who do What
- 如果要投稿的 会议 / 期刊 运行使用we 这种主动语态,那么就直接使用we 来区分自己的工作和别人的工作(如果怕we 使用太多,可以换一下we 的表述:we found sth … / it was found sth …)
- 不要使用someone , people这种泛指人类的词汇,如果知道工作是谁的就直接写作者名字, 或者用引用的形式,把文章的引用当成主语
- 原始版本:Using methodology X is considered the same as using methodology Y. (这里的consider意思是被认为,但是被谁认为又没讲,这种情况就不要写这种模糊词了)
- 模糊词:acknowledge, conceive, consider, describe, design, develop, find, observe, propose, suggest.
- 修订版本:Using methodology X is the same as using methodology Y
每次开始讲述新的工作 / 自己的工作,那么就开一个新的段落
当审稿人不知道他们正在阅读的论文的作者时 , 编辑将从paper的顶部删除您的姓名和机构,以使审稿人在推荐时完全主观。
栗子:如果我是 John Wall
- 我在论文中引用自己的文章:In a previous paper (Wall et al., 2017), we demonstrated that…
- 我应该修改成:Wall et al. (2017) demonstrated that..
- 等论文被接收,再改回原版
使用bullets and headings来展示自己工作的贡献(重点用粗体)
调查要投稿的会议 / 期刊的图片风格是什么,然后模仿绘制
- 短句更容易被注意到,也很容易理解。
- 避免使用包含 note 和 note 的短语,如:It is interesting to note, It is worth noting, It should be noted that …
- 考虑到您的方法中可能存在的任何潜在偏见或局限性
- 夸大你的发现会让推荐人怀疑你有研究偏见, – 可能会被拒绝。
- 不隐藏任何负面结果
- 清楚诚实地说明您的方法的局限性
- 对于方法的局限性,不要消极的描述(Regrettably, unfortunately),最好是积极的描述
- 对于方法的局限性,不要模糊的表述,也要提出一定的补救措施
- One limitation of our research was the sample size. Clearly 200(讲清楚到底是多小) Xs are not enough to make generalizations about metric Y.
- Two of our data samples were contaminated. This occurred because … We thus plan to repeat our experiments(补救措施) in future work. However, our analysis of the uncontaminated samples (24 in total) supported our initial hypothesis that .
- 对于局限性,讲出来这个问题对于其他作者也遇到了,并非我方法的问题(甩锅三连)
- 告诉读者,以一个什么角度去看待你的发现(这个角度看,局限性就不是局限性了)
- In this view, these data may mean that …
- 不要通过谈论你的局限性来结束你的论文
- 谈论其他应用/对您的发现的影响
- 为未来建议其他研究方向
- 再次强调你的发现的好处
- 淡化动词:This factor is responsible for the increase in… => This factor is probably / may be responsible
- 淡化 adj 和 adv
- 非常强烈的adj和adv: Innovative, novel, cutting edge,Extremely important, very significant,of fundamental importance…
- 慎用argue,而是使用suggest, infer, calculate, and believe
- 以积极的态度看待其他作者的研究,给他们积极的评价